Madagascar rural observatory system data validation, preparation, and georeferencing
Florent Bédécarrats
December 3, 2024
This technical appendix is a companion to a data descriptor article, submitted to Nature Scientific Data, that focuses on data collected by the Rural Observatory System (ROS) between 1995 and 2015. It provides the source code for all figures and visualizations presented in the paper. It also offers a tutorial on how to georeference this data, which can serve as guidance for various types of analysis beyond this specific application. We use computational notebooks in Quarto format with the R programming language, combining code, results, explanations, and multimedia in an interactive way. The source code can be accessed by expanding code blocks like the following one, which produced the figure below.
# Load required librarieslibrary(tidyverse) # A series of packages for data manipulationlibrary(haven) # Required for reading STATA files (.dta)library(labelled) # To work with labelled data from STATAlibrary(sf) # for spatial data handlinglibrary(tmap) # for mappinglibrary(readxl) # Read data frames to Excel formatlibrary(cowplot) # to combine plots# Select appropriate folder as data sourcedata_path <-"data/dta_format/"# Define a function to load and count surveys per observatory for a given yearload_and_count <-function(year, factorize =FALSE) {# Define file path file_path <-paste0(data_path, year, "/res_deb.dta")# Load data data <-read_dta(file_path)# Extract label and convert to factors if optionif (factorize) { data <- data %>%mutate(across(everything(), as.character),across(where(is.labelled), ~as.character(as_factor(.)))) }# Count surveys per observatory count_data <- data %>%group_by(j0) %>%summarise(survey_count =n()) %>%ungroup() %>%mutate(year = year) # Add year columnreturn(count_data)}# Generate a list of yearsyears <-1995:2015# Use purrr::map_df to loop through each year and bind resultsobs_count <-map_df(years, load_and_count) %>%# Remove rows with observatory "7 " and "NA", which are errorsfilter(j0 !=7&! & survey_count >1) %>%rename(observatory = j0)# Read observatory namesobservatory_names <- readxl::read_xlsx("references/observatory_names.xlsx") %>%select(code, observatory_name = name)# PAss it to wide.obs_count <- obs_count %>%left_join(observatory_names, by =c("observatory"="code")) %>%group_by(observatory_name, year) %>%summarise(survey_count =sum(survey_count))obs_count_wide <- obs_count %>%pivot_wider(names_from = year, values_from = survey_count)# Add observatory approximate locationlocations <-tibble(code =c(1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 25, 41, 42, 43, 51, 44, 45, 61, 17, 18, 19, 71, 52),name =c("Antalaha", "Antsirabe", "Marovoay", "Toliara coastal", "Antsohihy", "Tsiroanomandidy", "Farafangana", "Ambovombe", "Alaotra", "Manjakandriana", "Toliara North", "Fenerive East", "Bekily", "Mahanoro", "Itasy", "Menabe-Belo", "Fianarantsoa", "Tsivory", "Morondava", "Manandriana", "Tanandava", "Ihosy", "Ambohimahasoa", "Manakara", "Tolanaro", "Menabe North-East"),latitude =c(-14.8833, -19.8659, -16.1000, -23.7574, -14.8796, -18.7713, -22.8167, -25.1667, -17.8319, -18.9167, -23.2941, -17.3500, -24.6900, -19.9000, -19.1686, -19.6975, -21.4527, -24.4667, -20.2833, -20.2333, -22.5711, -22.4000, -20.7145, -22.1333, -25.0381, -20.5486),longitude =c(50.2833, 47.0333, 46.6333, 43.6770, 47.9875, 46.0546, 47.8333, 46.0833, 48.4167, 47.8000, 43.7761, 49.4167, 45.1700, 48.8000,46.7354, 44.5419, 47.0857, 45.4667, 44.2833, 47.3833, 45.0439, 46.1167, 47.0389, 48.0167, 46.9562, 47.1597))obs_count <-left_join(obs_count, locations, by =c("observatory_name"="name"))madagascar <-st_read(paste0("data/Spatial_data/OCHA_BNGRC admin boundaries/","mdg_admbnda_adm0_BNGRC_OCHA_20181031.shp"),quiet =TRUE)# Sort locations by latitude to generate sequence numberslocations <- locations %>%arrange(desc(latitude)) %>%mutate(seq_num =1:n())# Create map plot with labelsmap_plot <-ggplot(data = madagascar) +geom_sf(fill ="lightgray", colour ="dimgrey") +geom_point(data = locations, aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, color = name), size =3) +geom_text(data = locations, aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, label = seq_num), vjust =-1, hjust =1, size =3, # check_overlap = TRUE,fontface ="bold") +theme_void() +theme(legend.position ="none")# Add sequence numbers to observatory names in obs_count dataframeobs_count <- obs_count %>%left_join(locations %>%select(name, seq_num), by =c("observatory_name"="name")) %>%mutate(observatory_with_num =paste0(seq_num, ". ", observatory_name))# Create timeline plot using modified obs_count with observatory_with_numtimeline_plot <-ggplot(obs_count, aes(x = year, y =fct_reorder(observatory_with_num, latitude), color = observatory_name)) +geom_point(aes(size =1), show.legend = F) +theme_minimal() +labs(y =NULL, x =NULL) +theme(axis.text.y =element_text(size =8, face ="bold"),legend.position ="none")# Stitch the plots togethercombined_plot <-plot_grid(map_plot, timeline_plot, rel_widths =c(1.3, 2))ggsave("output/figure_1.pdf", plot = combined_plot, width =10, height =7, dpi =300)ggsave("output/figure_1.png", plot = combined_plot, width =10, height =7, dpi =300)print(combined_plot)
Figure 1 shows the coarse location of the 26 observatories composing the ROS, as well as the years in which data was collected in each one.