The ROS survey data is organized in a collection of year-specific folders ranging from 1995 to 2015. Each yearly folder houses multiple .dta files (Stata data format) – about 85 per year – with diverse filenames such as “res_as.dta” and “res_bp.dta”. The code block below creates a data dictionary, which can be downloaded by clicking on this link. It also displays the interactive table below, which can be browsed or searched.
library(tidyverse) # A series of packages for data manipulationlibrary(haven) # Required for reading STATA files (.dta)library(labelled) # To work with labelled data from STATAlibrary(writexl) # Write data frames to Excel formatlibrary(readxl)ros_data_loc <-"data/dta_format/"# Function to extract variable info for a given year and fileextract_variable_info <-function(year, file) { file_path <-paste0(ros_data_loc, year, "/", file)if (!file.exists(file_path)) return(tibble()) data <-read_dta(file_path, n_max =0)tibble(file_name = file,variable_name =names(data),variable_label =var_label(data) %>%as.character(),year = year)}# Obtain all years from the directory structureyears <-list.dirs(ros_data_loc, recursive =FALSE, full.names =FALSE)# Use the tidyverse approach to map over years and filesall_vars <-map_df(years, ~{ files_for_year <-list.files(paste0(ros_data_loc, .x), pattern ="\\.dta$", full.names =FALSE)map_df(files_for_year, extract_variable_info, year = .x)})# Convert any NULL values in variable_label to "NA"all_vars$variable_label[$variable_label)] <-"NA"# retreive the file labelsfile_labels <-read_excel("references/File_labels.xlsx") %>%select(file_name = filename, file_label = title_en)# Consolidate the information using the tidyverse approachvariable_dictionary <- all_vars %>%group_by(file_name, variable_name) %>%arrange(year) %>%summarise(variable_label =first(variable_label[variable_label !="NA"] %||%"NA"),years_present =list(unique(year))) %>%ungroup() %>%mutate(years_present =map_chr(years_present, ~paste(.x, collapse =","))) %>%left_join(file_labels, by ="file_name", .before) %>%relocate(file_label, .after = file_name) %>%arrange(substr(years_present, 1, 4), # To have 1st variables of 1995case_when(file_name =="res_deb.dta"~as.integer(1), file_name =="res_h.dta"~as.integer(2),TRUE~as.integer(3))) # starts with hh ID and housing# Write the variable dictionary to an Excel filewrite_xlsx(variable_dictionary, "output/ROS_Variable_Dictionary.xlsx")# To include in published datasetwrite_xlsx(variable_dictionary, "data/ROS_Variable_Dictionary.xlsx")# Display in interactive formatDT::datatable(variable_dictionary)